It all falls apart–again

We are supposed to be in Guangzhou at this time, but we’re still in Dalian because J ran away from us at the airport.  This time I ran with him, and stayed with him until Craig and some friends were able to find us and take us back to a hotel room Craig had located for us.  It took about five hours, mostly of walking around and around the parking lot.  During this time, J frequently told people I wasn’t his mother and that he doesn’t want to go back to America with me.  Once we got back, we learned that some of the reason for this (or perhaps all of it) was due to the fact that he felt embarrassed to have a foreigner for a mother, which is understandable.  I do rather stand out, being a fat white woman with mediocre Chinese.

A couple of teachers from J’s school have come down here, and had a talk with him this evening.  We’re not sure where things stand at the moment.  We would like for this adoption to go forward, but J seems conflicted about it–both wanting and not wanting it.  We’re trying to figure out if there’s any way we can make things work that is safe for him.  We’ll meet with the teachers again early tomorrow to try to work things out.

2 thoughts on “It all falls apart–again”

  1. Rachel – I am so sorry. I know this is so hard on you and Craig. I wish I could be there just to put my arms around you. We are all praying for the best thing for Junyong and for you, Craig, Ben and Katie. God Bless You!

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