The Pencil Princess Workshop

A little tradition. A little whimsy. A lot of soul.

Pencil Princess Writing

Young adult fantasy and sci-fi with strange worlds, stranger creatures, bits of romance…

And princesses, of course.

You can get the opening chapters of Hope Gardens FREE, and read the rest as they come out in the R.L.S. Hoff Newsletter

Leaving Hope, Golden Terrace Colony Series Book 1, by R.L.S. Hoff. Published by The Pencil Princess Workshop.
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Songs of Healing, The Dicrandia Chronicles Book 1, by R.L.S. Hoff.
Published by The Pencil Princess Workshop.
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Pencil Princess Editing

The Pencil Princess Workshop Editing is committed to quick, careful, considerate critique.

Red Pencils--The Pencil Princess Workshop Editing

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Pencil Princess Publishing

Getting writing into the world.


R.L.S. Hoff, the owner and woman-of-all-work at the Pencil Princess Workshop.

The Pencil Princess Workshop is a one-woman company dedicated to writing, editing and publishing.

R.L.S. Hoff, the owner and woman of all work, has had a very busy 2020. In addition to various editing projects, she has released two books and started a serial story that is coming out in her newsletter and on

R.L.S. Hoff grew up as a modern nomad with roots in five US states and one foreign country. She has now settled in Colorado with her three kids (one adopted, two bio), her dog, and her spectacularly supportive and brilliant husband. She writes mostly young adult sci-fi and fantasy; she edits anything that could benefit from clearer prose (but prefers to work on fiction). She also tutors students of all ages in Math, English and Conversational Mandarin.

Check out R.L.S. Hoff’s book recommendations (mostly MG and YA) on the Bookshelf tab. Excerpts, experiments and bits of artistic stuff can be found in Scribbles. Or, check out news about her family and parenthood on the Kid Stuff tab.

© 2015 R.L.S. Hoff