Consider it Pure Joy

Consider it pure joy
written next to a view of fireworks
In smaller text beneath: my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1: 1-4

Pure joy–someone in the neighborhood set off fireworks to usher in New Year 2021. It’s a festive sound, even if the dog doesn’t like it much.

That sound captures what many of us are feeling. We celebrate the end of a very difficult year. We are full of hope that this coming year will be better.

However, the quiet time journey I’m embarking on this morning encourages me to “consider it pure joy” whenever I face trials of many kinds. Last year was significant in my family (and many others), for being full of trials. Which means, if I did it right–this could have been a time marked by joy–pure joy. One where I let perseverance work in me to produce maturity.

So, that didn’t happen. Like many others, I spent a lot of time whining rather than cultivating joy this past year. So have my kids.

How could I expect anything different, given the example I’m setting?

With a new year comes new opportunities, though. So, perhaps now is my time. It’s not like our difficulties have all completely ended. There are probably plenty of chances in the coming months for me to practice some perseverance and learn how to be full of joy even when my circumstances don’t make that easy.

Who knows? Maybe some joy will spread to my kids, too.