Hope Gardens excerpt

Cover for Hope Gardens--A Serial in the Golden Terrace Colony Universe by R.L.S. Hoff

Picture: lung shaped flower sculpture suspended over a field of stars

Hope Gardens Excerpt from Chapter Eight:

“Sam turned his head, glad to finally make out more than shadows. Eleanor was pointing to a streak of greenish-black slime in her hair. A quick survey of himself told him that more of the same gunk stained his uniform and his skin. He wondered how hard it would be to get out and if his mom had any cash for an extra trip to the wash-and-wear this week.”

If you’d like more than a Hope Gardens excerpt, sign up for R.L.S. Hoff’s newsletter to get installments of this story about twice a month. (You’ll also be able to get a digital copy of the story to date, so it won’t feel like you’re starting in the middle.)

Cover for The Channillo.com series Golden Terrace Colony Tales--serial stories in a new world by R.L.S. Hoff

Picture--a (probably) life-sustaining planet in the lower right corner, floating in a multi-hued, star-filled sky

Another place to find Hope Gardens (coming out weekly instead of twice a month) is on https://channillo.com/ (a subscription service for a variety of serial content, fiction and non-fiction). If you find you like serialized content, this is a good option, because you can get not only R.L.S. Hoff stories, but a variety of other stories (and poetry and even recipes).

However, if you’re only interested in Hope Gardens, or if you’d like to get it free of charge, you’ll probably want to sign up for R.L.S. Hoff’s newsletter–either above, or here.