About R.L.S. Hoff and The Pencil Princess Workshop

A little tradition. A little whimsy. A lot of soul. R.L.S. Hoff owns and operates the workshop, which is dedicated to writing, editing, and publishing.

R.L.S. Hoff, owner and woman-of-all work at The Pencil Princess WorkshopR.L.S. Hoff grew up as a modern nomad with roots in five US states and one foreign country.  About ten years ago, she settled in Colorado, where she now lives with her three kids (one adopted, two bio), her chihuahua mix, and her spectacularly supportive and brilliant husband. As a reader, she loves all kinds of fiction, but as an author, she writes mostly young adult science-fiction and fantasy. As an editor, she works with anything that could benefit from clearer prose (but prefers to work on fiction).  She also tutors students of all ages in Math, English and Conversational Mandarin.

R.L.S. Hoff started The Pencil Princess Workshop in 2015, and it has been active since then. However, 2020 might be its busiest year yet. In addition to editing a number of books for clients, R.L.S. Hoff published two works of her own. Leaving Hope,  (Golden Terrace Colony Book 1), came out in digital form in June, and in paperback in July. Then, in October, Songs of Healing (The Dicrandia Chronicles Book 1) came out in both Kindle and paperback. In addition, the R.L.S. Hoff newsletter started up. The newsletter publishes chapters of Hope Gardens, a serial in the Golden Terrace Colony universe as well as providing news and holding giveaways. Hope Gardens is also being released weekly on Channillo.com. (The Channillo releases will catch up with the newsletter ones in February, probably.)

2021 promises to be another excellent year for the company, with continuing editing projects, continuing publication of Hope Gardens, and the release of the second books in the Golden Terrace Series and the Dicrandia Chronicles.

This, by the way, seems as good a place as any to post The Pencil Princess Workshop’s business license:           The Pencil Princess Workshop Business License




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