The Raven and The Dove

Cover of The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis. A beautiful dark-skinned woman with white wings and a blue ballgown touches hands with a tall, good-looking man in black with light skin, black hair, and black wings. Where their hands touch, there are sparks.

I picked up The Raven and The Dove from a sales promotion that Songs of Healing was also in, and I was glad I did. This story by Kaitlyn Davis has great world building, interesting magic, good pacing, fascinating political intrigue, and romance. Plus, people can fly!

Seriously, I love the flying bits. I also love the secret, dangerous magic and the friendships. There are lots of conflicting loyalties here, and they make the story fascinating and frustrating all at once.

I was less excited about how this story ended–or didn’t. I know it’s the first in a series, but there was much more pushing toward the next story than settling this one into a good place. Despite this, I will probably go looking for the sequels to The Raven and The Dove since I did enjoy the characters and quite a few other things about this book.