Hope Gardens Chapter Twelve Out Today

Excerpt from Chapter Twelve--written atop pictures of dried fruit and nuts. 

Mom jerked her head up from her tablet. “What’s this about Eleanor Mackey?”

Sam glared at his sister. “Eleanor and I were working together yesterday in detention, but we weren’t messing around. We stopped a leak and probably saved this season’s wheat harvest.”

“Maybe so, but that girl is trouble, Sam.” Mom set the tablet down and turned to the cupboard to grab nuts and dried fruit for their lunches.

Sam rolled his eyes.
An excerpt from Hope Gardens Chapter Twelve

Hope Gardens Chapter Twelve came out in the R.L.S. Hoff Newsletter this morning. The excerpt above comes from that section of the book. In case you have trouble reading in the image, it says:

Mom jerked her head up from her tablet. “What’s this about Eleanor Mackey?”

Sam glared at his sister. “Eleanor and I were working together yesterday in detention, but we weren’t messing around. We stopped a leak and probably saved this season’s wheat harvest.”

“Maybe so, but that girl is trouble, Sam.” Mom set the tablet down and turned to the cupboard to grab nuts and dried fruit for their lunches.

Sam rolled his eyes.

If you’re interested in reading more, you can sign up for my newsletter and get a copy of the whole story to date by clicking on the cover below. (What do you think of the new cover, by the way? You can let me know in the comments.)

Hope Gardens, A Serial in the Golden Terrace Colony Universe, by R.L.S. Hoff. 

In addition to the title and author information, this cover also shows a flowering branch that splits to look like lungs, floating in a sea of stars.