
Magic Library

More powerful than crowns.

Twitter introduced me to six word stories (Specifically, @MQuigley1963 Wonderful author to follow. She’s so encouraging.) She usually starts them with a picture, and asks people to write a #sixwordstory or a a poem about it. She also writes her own (often quite good) stories and poems.

And, I thought, why not? I can write six words. Just for fun.

And I did. And then I did it again the next day. Because sometimes it’s nice (especially when your usual form is novels) to play around with a bit of writing that will be finished today. In a few minutes, in fact. Something fun that can be a complete departure from your usual writing style. That doesn’t have to follow a three-act (or any other) structure. Something that can be experimental–or sappy, brilliant or bad–and it doesn’t matter all that much in the scheme of things.

I sometimes write other things to experiment–short stories like “J Learns to Drive” or songs like “Your Will, Not Mine, Lord.” But none of those go quite as quickly as the six-word stories. So, often I don’t feel like I have time to play around with them. But playing is good, at least for me.

Need some fun language play in your life? Write a couple yourself. You could start by writing one about the picture above in the comments.