Creative Collective

K is into art, dance, and acting. B is already an accomplished programmer. J gardens and builds things with wood (and sometimes plays around with electricity). They’re all good at what they do and getting better–but they don’t, on the whole, tend to collaborate or even appreciate the others’ skills. I guess I didn’t collaborate much with my siblings when I was their age either.

But I find myself wondering if there’s a project we could do together–one that would use all their skills. Because some of the best times I’ve had with others are those times I’ve worked together to create something. Plays and course outlines–or just supper.

Maybe we should take turns with projects–working on things that will highlight each person’s skills? Does pursuing individual dreams and growing individual gifts have to come at the cost of community?

Hmm. Parenting teens is hard. But not always in the ways I expected.