Backyard Shed

We’ve been planning to put up a shed in the backyard for a couple of years now–more as a sort of playhouse than anything else, but we also plan to use it to store bicycles.

We finally got our shed (in a giant kit) about a month ago, and bit by bit, we’ve been putting it up.  J. has helped with almost every step of the process, but B. & K. have also done a fair amount of the work.  We got the roof shingled just in time for it to snow last Monday.

It has been fun to work together and has helped our relationships to have a common goal.  We have the last bit of painting to do (as soon as we get a day that’s warm enough with little wind–and there are adults around to supervise).  Then we may need to think of a new family project.  Because working together seems to be good for us.