Birthday, Big Bumps & Ballet

J. turned fourteen about a week ago.  His anticipation prior to the event was intense.  Together we planned out a big dinner to celebrate him–good friends, good food, fun games, and, of course, presents.  But the unusual attention seemed to also stress him out, and anytime presents or other things weren’t exactly what he had hoped for, his disappointment was intense.  This led to a tense, angry weekend with increasing violence that ended with a call to police Tuesday morning after J. punched me in the lip.

Since then, we’ve been working more intensively with our therapist and counselors to make sure that we are providing J. the love and direction he needs, but also the limits necessary to help him achieve safer, more appropriate behavior.  We think we’re making some progress.  At least I feel like I’m more in control of myself, and more able to be the parent.

The other major thing going on with kids right now is ballet–K. is gearing up for a Nutcracker performance next weekend.  She’s very excited about her three dancing parts (possibly four–she may have to step in for another little girl).  If you’re local and interested in seeing the show, get in touch with me before Tuesday (the 22nd), and I can probably get you set up with tickets.