“My password is love”

CCAI families, group photo

At least that’s what it sounds like J was saying this morning as he tried to get some friends to help him with something.  After checking in with our CCAI rep here, we think it was shoring up his lines of communication, so he’s sure to still be able to get in touch with the people he knows when he returns with us to America.  (At least I hope it was a friend he was talking to at the point he gave out the password.  He was also talking to at least one stranger at the time.)

In some ways it’s discouraging that he doesn’t feel like we can or will be able to help him keep lines of communication open, but in other ways it’s very encouraging that he seems to be planning on coming home with us.  It was also encouraging that he was willing to play basketball with us for a while (maybe half an hour) this evening.


B and K also benefited from getting out of the hotel room, if only for a few minutes.  They’re holding up pretty well, though B is having a rough time adjusting to our new family dynamics.  Even K has had a few bad moments.


At the end of the day, there’s one thing I keep thinking about–J’s password.  It may be that “love” is indeed the password to his heart.

One thought on ““My password is love””

  1. So glad to hear that today was better! We are still praying for you and we are updating everyone during VBS. Love you all and hope that things go smoothly from here on out!

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