
Junyong on the bullet trainLast time we were in China, there were no bullet trains.  I’m glad I got to be on one this trip–they’re clean and spacious, with plenty of luggage room, and they whisper along the tracks at astonishing speeds.  It used to take four or five hours to get to Dalian from Shenyang.  Today we did the trip in two.

It has been great to see a few friends as well (though our shortened time-frame means we weren’t able to revisit all the places we wanted to, and a steady drizzle made getting around town a slow, soggy affair)

J seems to be having a hard time leaving his hometown, (and who could blame him), but he seems to be hanging in there.

Dalian from hotel window

We’re now on our third hotel of the trip.  We’re staying on the 26th floor, and the elevator ride up, when we can get the glass-backed one, is phenomenal.  We can try to get a picture from it tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we head out for Guangzhou in the morning, so I’d better make my way to bed.